Sunday 18 October 2015

Like a Coiled Spring

This has been posted a bit later than I intended, due to the inevitable 'something that came up'...

Which is what my blog post is now going to be about, as it is work related and also ties in nicely to the subject matter for the BAPP.
Due to the wonderful thing that is social media, I managed not only to find out about and attend an audition but get offered work as a result of it. All in the space of 24 hours, which wouldn't have been so easy in a time before social media.
Through a page on Facebook advertising gigs for musicians, I found myself tagged in a post  on a thread entitled 'Looking for party bands who are wanting to do holiday parks for 2016'. After replying to the add with a link to an online portfolio, we were asked to audition the next day. And then after driving three cars full of gear to Southend for a 10 minute audition, found ourselves with bookings from several different new clients.

The drive back got me thinking about how quick and easy it is now to potentially get more exposure and ultimately more work through the use of social media and networking, and how literally a few years ago this same process would have taken a lot more time through older methods such as advertising in the local press and through word of mouth. In the last couple of years I've found that visiting these groups and message boards fairly regularly can result in making contacts in different circles and ad hoc work in some cases. I'm now making a habit of going through them in the days leading up to an empty weekend and waiting like a coiled spring for an opportunity to network and get my foot in the door so to speak. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so true, the more active you keep on social media, the more opportunities you expose yourself to... I had a very similar situation as this last year, resulting I. A life changing job!
